If you want to find the first It's all about family article it is here.
First I want to apologize for the rather long delay on getting on with this subject. I am occasionally afflicted with urges to open my mouth about any variety of issues so I wrote a girls in gaming article on the day I meant to write this one. Along with writing a different article a three day weekend came along and I didn't have a lot of time to sit in front of my trusty computer and peck at the keyboard. I do hope you all will forgive me. Anyway enough prattling on with the article. In my previous post I only covered number 1: Parents Married and both alive. Now I will cover number 2 Parents Married but father Deceased.
When you stop and consider life in the middle ages, a parent dying would have had an even greater impact on a child's development. Not only were gender roles far more rigid, but the way men and women were taught to raise children were worlds apart as well. Does this mean that all parents who become a single parent through the death of a spouse were horrible parents? No, but it didn't make life easier.
Table 3: Parents Married but Father Deceased
Having parents that were married at the time of a persons birth in the middle ages was an important thing. While it might not be as important in a fantasy setting, there is no denying that the death of a parent will still have some pretty big ramifications. When it is the father who died, things were not as easy for a widow as they would have been for a widower. Even in our far more equitable modern world, a woman left without a husband often finds it difficult to maintain the same socioeconomic level as she had before the husbands death. This is even more true when you consider life in a middle ages society.
While it sucks to think about and sucks even more to acknowledge, the fact was a women's choices in the middle ages were very limited when it came to finding productive work. This often meant taking on jobs most men wouldn't do or even worse things. To top all this off women were paid considerably less than men, had to put up with physical, emotional, and sometimes sexual abuse at the work place while being forced to work longer hours. The following chart reflects this reality but if it does not fit into your campaign setting feel free to change it as necessary.
Keep in mind that the following tables are not all inclusive and meant to be used as a means for inspiration.
Roll or choose from the following options:
1 - Father died in a work place accident now the mother has turned to prostitution in order to provide for her children.
It is a very sad and disturbing fact that many women feel that sex work is the only thing that can give them the money they need. In a middle ages society this was even more true than it is today. A child growing up with a mother who is a prostitute is going to have difficulties in social situations. Through no fault of their own they will be socially stigmatized, bullied, and treated with a lot of disrespect. How does this affect the characters view on women? Society? Other people? Is the character angry or have they come to see the world in a bigger picture kind of way?
2 - Father died in a worked place accident now the mother works as a bar wench, scullery maid, or a similar menial job.
While this path of employment was a better option for a woman than prostitution, this does not mean it didn't come with some drawbacks. Bar wenches would often be the victims of sexual harassment from both the patrons and male employees of the establishment. This may not have been as big of a problem with other menial jobs but those were more likely to involve some kind of physical abuse and long punishing hours. The benefit to this kind of work would have been the mother being allowed to have her children near and this would have allowed her to be more involved with them.
When thinking about a character coming from this background there are a lot of interesting questions. What did living underfoot in an inn or tavern do for the characters world view? How did seeing their mother work so hard to be so broke affect the way they thought about those in power and those with money? Did one of the men involved with the work location take the character on as a figurative son, or were they often yelled and and cursed at for being in the way?
3 - Father died in war, mother now lives off a small stipend given by the lord the father served.
When men died in war it was not unheard of for the lord of those men to pay the widow a small stipend. After all through the will of the lord, a husband and father lost their life, so the lord took on the responsibility of providing for that family. This was not always the case, but it did happen. As far as a character coming from this background this creates some interesting questions. How does the character view their father? Is he viewed as a hero in the home or is he viewed as being a fool for going to war? How does the character feel about the lord who sent their father off to war? Does the character feel a sense of entitlement because they receive a stipend or is the stipend to small to make ends meet and the mother still has to work?
4 - Father was a noble who died in battle, but a younger brother inherited the estate and the family lives off the younger brothers charity.
In this situation the character is of noble birth but may not have been old enough (or the wrong gender) to inherit the father's title and land. This has created a situation in which the characters family is forced to live off the charity of their uncle. Is the uncle a good man who is generous to his brothers family, or is he an evil man who barely gives the character's family enough money to live on? Has the uncle stepped in as a father figure raising the character to understand the life and responsibilities of a noble or is he a cruel man who often beats and verbally abuses the character?
While these four options are not near as complete as the list could be, it should provide enough inspiration for a person to get a lot of ideas going about the family background of their character. A lot of times simply by asking a few questions a player can get a very good idea of where their character comes from and why they are the way they are now. That is the point of creating background in the first place right?
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Girls in Gaming: What's so Wrong with Sexy Anyway?
I had intended to write a follow up post to my background article about parents but life has a way of throwing you curve balls, so instead I am writing about girls in gaming again. The picture at the top here started a rather intense argument between and a female friend whose opinion I value a great deal. Without getting into an over explanation of the argument I will break it down into simple terms. I posted the picture on my Facebook feed because I thought it was awesome. My friend sees it and makes a remark about the lack of clothing the woman is wearing. I say there is nothing wrong with that, she says that there is and we argued about it.
While we were having the argument I was trying to see things from her viewpoint, but I wasn't being super successful because I was also kind of mad. I don't like being told something I did is bad any more than the next person and she was hitting some of those buttons. I don't think she was doing this on purpose, I think she was simply sticking to her guns. However, while she was sticking to her guns, I was sticking to mine as well. When this is what is going on no one is going to admit they might be wrong, specially me.
So I spent some time calming down and really thinking about the whole issue. I went around in some defensive circles where I told myself how right I was and how wrong she was. Once I got over myself and this counter productive thinking, I finally tried to put myself in her shoes (glad I know she doesn't wear stilettos because my knees so would hate me for it) and really tried to see where she was coming from. Admitted this wasn't easy, I am a guy after all and my life experience is a lot different than a woman's. While it wasn't easy, I do feel I made a bit of head way. I asked myself some questions and I think I understand the issue a little better, maybe.
Are women portrayed as sex objects in role playing games?
You honestly have to be willfully blind to miss the fact that not only are women portrayed as sex objects in role playing games, but that seems to be the sole purpose of them appearing in art work. Heck even when a creature would normally be "ugly" such as an orc, an artist will find a way to make them sexually appealing (or maybe I am just a little twisted?). I could do something fancy like find a study that proves my point here, but eh, this is kind of a common knowledge issue here. It's a fact and no amount of stammering "b...b... but" is going to change it. So, accepting the fact that women are portrayed as sex objects naturally leads to another question.
Is it Wrong to Have Sexy Women in Fantasy Art?
Before I answer this question I am going to ask that you read the entire answer. I actually don't think it is morally wrong to portray women as sexy any more than I think it is morally wrong to portray men as big and brave and heavily muscled. I know some of you are probably mad at this idea, but please hear me out.
The reason I don't think it is wrong is because we are talking about a game of make believe where everyone get's to be someone they can't be in real life. To make my point I am going to pull a picture of a male from the term "fantasy art male" and post it below.
Now let's look at this picture. First the dude is in some seriously good shape. I haven't had a body anywhere close to something like that since I was in my early twenties. Even then I didn't look that good. Second, the guy is obviously and experienced and capable warrior. Again while I have been in my share of conflicts, I don't think this represents the average male at all. In fact, I don't think this is even close to what 90 percent of men look like beyond age 30 and even less once we hit our forties.
Is this image morally wrong? I don't think it is. Do I want to see myself this way? You bet your butt I do. I love the idea of being a tall dangerous man with bulging muscles and a dark glint in my eye, that and other similar things are why I play role playing games in the first place. I get to be someone else and that's fun. But I am kind of digressing, back to women.
In my experience as a gamer, women want to be a sexy character just as much as I do. Does every woman want to be a sexy character? No, in fact I have had several women at my table state very matter of factly their character was ugly as sin. I didn't have a problem with it and no one else did either. However, plenty of women do and that should be just as okay as a woman wanting to play an ugly character, a plain character, a purple skinned character. The game is about being who we want to be for a short time,
I hope you are still with me, I am taking a risk here and I hope its not falling on deaf ears. I said that I don't think it is wrong to have sexy women in fantasy art, but that's not the entire question is it? After some thought I think I found the right question to ask.
Is it wrong to portray women as sex objects?
In my mind this is a no brainer kind of question to ask. Of course it's wrong to portray women as sex objects. It's just as wrong to portray women as sex objects as it would be to do it with children or men. Reducing a human being down to only having value if they are sexy is about as cave man as you can get. Even in a world of make believe, treating women (or anyone else) as a sex object is not a good thing. I don't think anyone will disagree with me here. However, as I think about this, I wind up asking myself another question.
What constitutes sexual objectification?
According to wikipedia, sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure. I hate this definition, because guess what, we all do that. We do that with our boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, and more. The entire human race is based of us using each other for sexual pleasure.
So instead of that definition, I am going to add something to it. My definition of sexual objectification is this:
Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure and not recognizing their value beyond that facet of their person.
There is not a dang thing wrong with finding someone sexually attractive. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex with a person you find attractive. There is nothing wrong with being a human driven by the desire to procreate. If you want to string me up for that belief, feel free, but you are not going to change my mind.
What is wrong, and what we have to stop doing, is turning sexual attraction into a dehumanizing experience for people. It is an absolute travesty that women have to walk through this world in fear that they might be sexually assaulted. They shouldn't have to be in fear of that. Women should be allowed to sit at a gaming table without comments about their ass if they don't want you talking about their characters ass. Finally, if a woman says she doesn't want you to talk about her character's ass, then you shouldn't be getting pissed at her or calling her a femi-nazi, she is just asking for basic respect.
Closing Thoughts
Is this image morally wrong? I don't think it is. Do I want to see myself this way? You bet your butt I do. I love the idea of being a tall dangerous man with bulging muscles and a dark glint in my eye, that and other similar things are why I play role playing games in the first place. I get to be someone else and that's fun. But I am kind of digressing, back to women.
In my experience as a gamer, women want to be a sexy character just as much as I do. Does every woman want to be a sexy character? No, in fact I have had several women at my table state very matter of factly their character was ugly as sin. I didn't have a problem with it and no one else did either. However, plenty of women do and that should be just as okay as a woman wanting to play an ugly character, a plain character, a purple skinned character. The game is about being who we want to be for a short time,
I hope you are still with me, I am taking a risk here and I hope its not falling on deaf ears. I said that I don't think it is wrong to have sexy women in fantasy art, but that's not the entire question is it? After some thought I think I found the right question to ask.
Is it wrong to portray women as sex objects?
In my mind this is a no brainer kind of question to ask. Of course it's wrong to portray women as sex objects. It's just as wrong to portray women as sex objects as it would be to do it with children or men. Reducing a human being down to only having value if they are sexy is about as cave man as you can get. Even in a world of make believe, treating women (or anyone else) as a sex object is not a good thing. I don't think anyone will disagree with me here. However, as I think about this, I wind up asking myself another question.
What constitutes sexual objectification?
According to wikipedia, sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure. I hate this definition, because guess what, we all do that. We do that with our boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, and more. The entire human race is based of us using each other for sexual pleasure.
So instead of that definition, I am going to add something to it. My definition of sexual objectification is this:
Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure and not recognizing their value beyond that facet of their person.
There is not a dang thing wrong with finding someone sexually attractive. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have sex with a person you find attractive. There is nothing wrong with being a human driven by the desire to procreate. If you want to string me up for that belief, feel free, but you are not going to change my mind.
What is wrong, and what we have to stop doing, is turning sexual attraction into a dehumanizing experience for people. It is an absolute travesty that women have to walk through this world in fear that they might be sexually assaulted. They shouldn't have to be in fear of that. Women should be allowed to sit at a gaming table without comments about their ass if they don't want you talking about their characters ass. Finally, if a woman says she doesn't want you to talk about her character's ass, then you shouldn't be getting pissed at her or calling her a femi-nazi, she is just asking for basic respect.
Closing Thoughts
I want it to be crystal clear that I am not opposing sex or sexuality in the role playing game hobby. I think it's a healthy expression of a subject that we have made taboo. I see no problem with flirting and teasing at a game session so long as everyone is in agreement and boundaries are respected. What I am saying is that we as a community need to recognize what objectification is and stop encouraging it.
Do I know the best way to do this? Not yet, but I want to figure it out. I don't think wailing about half dressed women in fantasy art is going to do much, but then again, this blog post probably isn't either. What I think we need to do is have this conversation. We need to do is get a little muddy, argue a bit, be willing to hear everyone out, and finally we need to change as we are able.
Finally a Challenge for Women to Step up and be Heard
Because I know I don't know every thing, I am putting a dare out to all the women readers out there. Tell me what you think, tell us male gamer's where we are wrong, why we are wrong. Let's get this conversation started in earnest. If you want you can leave a comment here on the blog, I will reply. If that's not your cup of tea email me at martensric@gmail.com and I will respond there. If your really daring volunteer to write a guest post on this subject.
I am sure some of you have things to say, besides, After all this mansplaining, some women have to have a desire to prove me wrong? right?
Do I know the best way to do this? Not yet, but I want to figure it out. I don't think wailing about half dressed women in fantasy art is going to do much, but then again, this blog post probably isn't either. What I think we need to do is have this conversation. We need to do is get a little muddy, argue a bit, be willing to hear everyone out, and finally we need to change as we are able.
Finally a Challenge for Women to Step up and be Heard
Because I know I don't know every thing, I am putting a dare out to all the women readers out there. Tell me what you think, tell us male gamer's where we are wrong, why we are wrong. Let's get this conversation started in earnest. If you want you can leave a comment here on the blog, I will reply. If that's not your cup of tea email me at martensric@gmail.com and I will respond there. If your really daring volunteer to write a guest post on this subject.
I am sure some of you have things to say, besides, After all this mansplaining, some women have to have a desire to prove me wrong? right?
Thursday, May 26, 2016
It's all About Back Story Part II: It's all About Family, Parents Part I
I talked about ten questions that can help a player create a backstory in this article. While I think those ten questions are important, a lot of players need a little extra help when it comes to answering them. For this reason I feel like looking into those questions a little deeper is a good idea. This post and other posts in the future will take each of those ten questions and discuss them in depth.
I initially intended to tackle this subject in one post. However, as I wrote I realized that this was going to be a very long article if I did it all in one post. While I know that this post is going to feel a bit incomplete, I will be posting the rest in the following days. Sorry to do this to everyone, but I feel multiple short posts will be better than a single very long post. Anyway on with the post!
It's all about Family
The first question of the ten questions I have my player's answer is who are your parents. The reason I have them answer this question first because it gives them an idea of who their character is before they deal with anything else. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in psychology to know that people are strongly affected by their parents and characters in a role playing game are no different.
While it is true that we don't always turn out to be exactly like our parents, it is true that they pass many of their traits to us, help us shape a view of the world, and teach us those most basic of human skills such as feeding, talking, walking etc. Admittedly some parents are better than others but that doesn't mean we are not reflections of those people.
Because we are reflections of our parents it makes sense that when your creating a background for your character you have some idea of who your parents were. I have tried a number of ways of doing this over my career as a game master but the thing that seems to work best is to have the player roll on or chose an option from some tables.
The problem with using tables is that no matter how detailed you get there will always be unanswered questions. The following tables are meant to be used for inspiration. If you feel there is a need for more tables, feel free to create your own.
Table 1: Parents Marital Status
While it may not be as important in today's world, there was a time when a persons parents being married or not was a big deal. Because most fantasy role playing games take place in an approximation of the middle ages, the following chart reflects those values. Sorry sci-fi fans I promise to some day give you all the same stuff.
1 - Parents Married and both are alive
2 - Parents Married but father is deceased
3 - Parents Married but mother is deceased
4 - Parents not married character was raised by mother
5 - Parents not married character was raised by father
6 - Parents not married character was given to church
7 - Parents not married character was abandoned
8 - Parents marital status unknown character was adopted or abandoned
Now that we know the marital status of the parents we learn a bit more about how the parents raised the character.
Table 2: Parents Married and Both are Alive
Having married parents in a middle age society was a benefit. While this by no means promised a good upbringing, it did mean that the character wasn't looked at with scorn and content for being a "bastard".
1- Father was an unemployed drunkard and abusive to the mother and/or children. Mother worked odd jobs as best she could.
This was and still is an all to common reality in the world. Some fathers suck and use fear and intimidation to enslave their family in fear. This type of family life is going to create a character with some issues and this should be considered. Does the character loathe alcoholics? Does the character want to provide their mother with a better life? These kind of questions and more will provide a very fertile garden for background development.
2 - Father was a common laborer and uneducated. Mother was a home maker and uneducated.
While the character is not restricted from choosing any class they want, they should consider the fact that they did not grow up with a great deal of money. This means that they need to create some kind of justification for any class that requires schooling (most notably wizards). The lack of options for a character from this background is going to shape their world view.
While this option might seem kind of boring there is a lot of good background material play with. Did the character grow up angry at the lack of money? Did the character see crime as their only way of getting ahead? By contemplating these questions a player should get a good idea or two of why their character is the way they are now.
3 - Father was a respected Craftsman and well paid. Mother was a home maker and loving toward the children.
Here we have what would have equaled a good life for a character growing up. While the character probably never went without food and shelter, they were also more likely to encounter nobles. How did this affect he character. Were they forced to watch their father accept humiliation in order to maintain his employment? Was the character forced to endure the taunts and violence of noble children? Maybe the noble lord was gracious to the characters family or the character has great pride in the fathers creations. Whatever the player chooses here this background is ripe for creating an interesting back story.
4 - Father and Mother were nobles.
A lot of players want to play noble children because they see it as an advantage. The fact is that it can be a big advantage, but that does not mean everything was a bed of roses for the character. While yes, the character probably had money to spend and a better life than the average person, nobles can be just as horrible as anyone else (and even more horrible given the power they hold over other people).
A player choosing this background needs to consider what being a noble was like. Were they spoiled and have no idea of the value of money? Were they taught they didn't have to respect commoners, or were they taught that their role was to look after the common people? Was their family disgraced in some way and is this why the character is now an adventurer or is the character an adventurer because they seek excitement outside of the boring day to day life of nobility?
That is all for today. I know there is a lot more ground to cover and I will, but I want to keep these posts manageable for people. I promise that I will be following this post up tomorrow and many of the days ahead. Feel free to yell at me, give me feed back, share your own stories and the like. I love seeing comments because it lets me know people are getting use out of what I write. See you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Ten Steps to Better Game Mastering
I don't think any game master wants to be bad. In fact I think most of us who choose to game master want to be good. In fact, we don't want to just be good we want to feel the thunder of creation flow through our bodies. We want the flame of inspiration to course through us while we scribble notes on pages, draw maps, and tell our stories. A bit dramatic? maybe, but in my experience it is exactly what most game masters are after.
While I have no doubt most game masters want to be the best possible game master they can be, I also know that this desire is not always the reality. Being a game master is no easy task. Not only do you have to appease a diverse group of players, you have to live with that little voice in your head whispering nothing you do will be good enough. Sometimes this can be too much and there are a lot of people who have given up on game mastering because of it. The thing is, it doesn't have to be as tough as people make it seem like it is.
I have been a game master for over thirty years. In this time I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work. Do I know everything there is to know? No, but I have learned enough and I want to share what I have learned with other game masters. I want to share what I have learned because there are not enough quality game masters out there and I am hoping to do my part in creating more.
This list of ten steps is a starting point. It won't give you some great secret and it won't do the work for you. However, if you put an honest effort into bettering yourself as a game master you will be rewarded. I guess this is enough prattling for now, let's get on with the list.
10: Commit to the Job
I won't lie, being a game master means taking on a pretty big responsibility. You are the one who has to create the entire world, create the people in the world, and finally run the adventures in that world. This is a lot of work both in the game and outside of the game. If you want to be a good game master you need to be willing to put the work in. Don't get me wrong you don't have to treat it like a full time job, but you do need to be willing to put a few hours a week in at a minimum.
9: Don't Burn Yourself Out
Game masters (specially the good ones) are in high demand. Once people know you are willing to run a game you will be deluged with requests to run even more games. If you try to make everyone happy you will soon be running more games than you can manage. Pace yourself and learn your limits. There is nothing wrong with running a single game a week or even one game a month. By keeping the number of games you run manageable you will have higher quality games.
8: Use Other People's Work
A lot of game masters (myself included) tend to want to build everything from the ground up. When you consider all the maps, encounters, story lines and other aspects of game design, doing everything yourself is a lot of work. You only have so much time in a day so using what someone else has done is a good idea.
7: Create the right Atmosphere
Take some time to think about your game and then think about things you can do to set the mood. If your running and epic fantasy game find some music that matches the theme such as the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. If your running a horror game, dim the lights, light some candles and play the musical score from a John Carpenter movie. Sure, it might seem kind of cheesy, but it will help set the mood and I have never had a bad game when I have done these kind of things.
6: Leave it All on the Field
Yes I am borrowing a football term but it still rings true at the game table. If you put everything you got into the few hours you run a game your game will be better. Don't be afraid to act out your non player characters. Don't worry about how silly the prop you found for an item the characters find looks. Let out a growl when you roll bad and laugh maniacally when you roll well. It's your game, and this is your chance to shine so don't limit yourself by worrying about being weird. After all your playing let's pretend with rules, you kind of passed weird a while ago.
5: Know Your Players
Every player has a different reason for gaming. Some like the stats and the dice rolling, others like to practice acting and improve at the table. Other players are there simply because their buddies are at the table. When you take a bit of time to understand what your player's like you can craft a game that meets those demands. If you are having a hard time figuring out what they want, ask them because they are generally more than happy to tell you.
4: Learn to Accept Criticism
If you are serious about being a good game master you will have to learn to accept criticism. I know first hand how painful being told your not as good as you want to be is. However, if you let that stop you from growing, or worse, from game mastering, your not doing yourself or anyone else a favor. No one likes to be criticized (specially by people who won't run their own game), but if you learn to listen and use this to improve your game you will be a better game master.
3: Learn to be Flexible
There are going to be times when the rules are going to get in the way of the game. When you run into a situation where the rules are ambiguous err on the side of fun. When you run into a situation that doesn't have rules, make something up. Flexibility is an important aspect of being a game master. However, be careful here, if your too flexible you might have players running you over.
2: Know the Rules
This might seem like a no-brainer but there are a lot of game masters who really don't know the rules to a game (such as myself) and that can cause some problems. You don't have to know every single rule ever printed for the game your playing but you should know the basics fairly well. Take some time to understand combat, how magic works, and non combat actions. If you are not sure how something works don't be afraid to ask someone else. The rules are there to help a game master run a game and you should know how to use them.
1: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation!
Preparation is one of the most important aspects of game mastering. I have seen countless game masters (myself included) show up to a game without a single thing prepared for the night. While you can get away with this (and I have several times) it will often show up in later sessions. For instance when the players are asking you about the guy who told them about finding the big bad guy in the sewers under the town and you respond with "huh?". Taking the time to jot down basic information such as the names of non player characters, some notes about the location the party will be in, and other similar things will save you headaches. If you have enough time go online and find a map (or draw one) and populate it with critters strange and wonderful. In the end the more preparation you put into the game, the smoother things will go.
While preparation is important, be careful not to over prepare. I have spent months planning a campaign only to have the players go way off script by session three. When this happens it can be incredibly frustrating. For this reason I would suggest you only plan a couple weeks in advance that way if the party goes in a direction you were not expecting you haven't lost to much work.
When everything is said and done these ten steps will help you be a better game master, but you shouldn't stop there. Learning to be a good game master is a never ending experience and one I encourage everyone to have. While at times being a game master is a lot of work, if you work to be good at it you will never have trouble finding players for your table. I hope some of this helped and if not, well, I will do better next time. Feel free to tell me what you think makes a good game master because I am always willing to listen even if at times I might pout about being told I am wrong.
While I have no doubt most game masters want to be the best possible game master they can be, I also know that this desire is not always the reality. Being a game master is no easy task. Not only do you have to appease a diverse group of players, you have to live with that little voice in your head whispering nothing you do will be good enough. Sometimes this can be too much and there are a lot of people who have given up on game mastering because of it. The thing is, it doesn't have to be as tough as people make it seem like it is.
I have been a game master for over thirty years. In this time I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work. Do I know everything there is to know? No, but I have learned enough and I want to share what I have learned with other game masters. I want to share what I have learned because there are not enough quality game masters out there and I am hoping to do my part in creating more.
This list of ten steps is a starting point. It won't give you some great secret and it won't do the work for you. However, if you put an honest effort into bettering yourself as a game master you will be rewarded. I guess this is enough prattling for now, let's get on with the list.
10: Commit to the Job
I won't lie, being a game master means taking on a pretty big responsibility. You are the one who has to create the entire world, create the people in the world, and finally run the adventures in that world. This is a lot of work both in the game and outside of the game. If you want to be a good game master you need to be willing to put the work in. Don't get me wrong you don't have to treat it like a full time job, but you do need to be willing to put a few hours a week in at a minimum.
9: Don't Burn Yourself Out
Game masters (specially the good ones) are in high demand. Once people know you are willing to run a game you will be deluged with requests to run even more games. If you try to make everyone happy you will soon be running more games than you can manage. Pace yourself and learn your limits. There is nothing wrong with running a single game a week or even one game a month. By keeping the number of games you run manageable you will have higher quality games.
8: Use Other People's Work
A lot of game masters (myself included) tend to want to build everything from the ground up. When you consider all the maps, encounters, story lines and other aspects of game design, doing everything yourself is a lot of work. You only have so much time in a day so using what someone else has done is a good idea.
7: Create the right Atmosphere
Take some time to think about your game and then think about things you can do to set the mood. If your running and epic fantasy game find some music that matches the theme such as the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. If your running a horror game, dim the lights, light some candles and play the musical score from a John Carpenter movie. Sure, it might seem kind of cheesy, but it will help set the mood and I have never had a bad game when I have done these kind of things.
6: Leave it All on the Field
Yes I am borrowing a football term but it still rings true at the game table. If you put everything you got into the few hours you run a game your game will be better. Don't be afraid to act out your non player characters. Don't worry about how silly the prop you found for an item the characters find looks. Let out a growl when you roll bad and laugh maniacally when you roll well. It's your game, and this is your chance to shine so don't limit yourself by worrying about being weird. After all your playing let's pretend with rules, you kind of passed weird a while ago.
5: Know Your Players
Every player has a different reason for gaming. Some like the stats and the dice rolling, others like to practice acting and improve at the table. Other players are there simply because their buddies are at the table. When you take a bit of time to understand what your player's like you can craft a game that meets those demands. If you are having a hard time figuring out what they want, ask them because they are generally more than happy to tell you.
4: Learn to Accept Criticism
If you are serious about being a good game master you will have to learn to accept criticism. I know first hand how painful being told your not as good as you want to be is. However, if you let that stop you from growing, or worse, from game mastering, your not doing yourself or anyone else a favor. No one likes to be criticized (specially by people who won't run their own game), but if you learn to listen and use this to improve your game you will be a better game master.
3: Learn to be Flexible
There are going to be times when the rules are going to get in the way of the game. When you run into a situation where the rules are ambiguous err on the side of fun. When you run into a situation that doesn't have rules, make something up. Flexibility is an important aspect of being a game master. However, be careful here, if your too flexible you might have players running you over.
2: Know the Rules
This might seem like a no-brainer but there are a lot of game masters who really don't know the rules to a game (such as myself) and that can cause some problems. You don't have to know every single rule ever printed for the game your playing but you should know the basics fairly well. Take some time to understand combat, how magic works, and non combat actions. If you are not sure how something works don't be afraid to ask someone else. The rules are there to help a game master run a game and you should know how to use them.
1: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation!
Preparation is one of the most important aspects of game mastering. I have seen countless game masters (myself included) show up to a game without a single thing prepared for the night. While you can get away with this (and I have several times) it will often show up in later sessions. For instance when the players are asking you about the guy who told them about finding the big bad guy in the sewers under the town and you respond with "huh?". Taking the time to jot down basic information such as the names of non player characters, some notes about the location the party will be in, and other similar things will save you headaches. If you have enough time go online and find a map (or draw one) and populate it with critters strange and wonderful. In the end the more preparation you put into the game, the smoother things will go.
While preparation is important, be careful not to over prepare. I have spent months planning a campaign only to have the players go way off script by session three. When this happens it can be incredibly frustrating. For this reason I would suggest you only plan a couple weeks in advance that way if the party goes in a direction you were not expecting you haven't lost to much work.
When everything is said and done these ten steps will help you be a better game master, but you shouldn't stop there. Learning to be a good game master is a never ending experience and one I encourage everyone to have. While at times being a game master is a lot of work, if you work to be good at it you will never have trouble finding players for your table. I hope some of this helped and if not, well, I will do better next time. Feel free to tell me what you think makes a good game master because I am always willing to listen even if at times I might pout about being told I am wrong.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
World Building: Part 1, You Have to Start Somewhere
Ever since the first time I opened an role playing book I have been in love with world building. The idea that I could take all the ideas I had about various kingdoms, people, and universes and use those in a role playing game was exciting. While the ideas in my head were exciting I really didn't know how to approach world building because it seemed so intimidating. I felt like I had to somehow get the entire world built before I could introduce the world to my players. This led to countless attempts at creating a world which in turn led to countless times I got discouraged and gave up.
Even today as I write this post I feel this tickle in the back of my brain to get it all done right now! I know that I can't, I know that something as intensive as building a world simply takes time. The problem is that I don't want to take the time, I want to get it all done so I can move onto the next idea and the next. As you can imagine this leads to a lot of frustration and creative paralysis. While I might suffer from an over active imagination, this doesn't mean I shouldn't make the attempt.
Over the years I have learned a few things about world building and I figured I would share them with those who happen to read this blog. Maybe something I say will help someone out there struggling like I did. Maybe an idea I present will be the next great campaign for a gaming group. Even if none of that happens, I will enjoy it, and in the end that is exactly what world building should be about.
So how do you build a world from scratch? Well I always like to start at the beginning. I spend some time thinking about the world I want to see then I think about the history and jot down a bit of a timeline. As I begin on the timeline I keep the destination in mind because I know history is a series of cause and effect. If I want to build a world that is in the middle of a brutal world spanning war, I have to make sure the timeline reflects how that started. If I want to build a world that is recovering from the devastation of an apocalypse, I have to know how that happened.
To give people an example of a timeline I will be sharing one from one of my current campaigns. While it is a Science Fiction campaign, this doesn't mean you can't use it as inspiration for a smaller world. While you read the following timeline think about the timeline of your own world. As ideas come, jot them down on a piece of paper or use one note to write them down. While it might not seem like it at first, this timeline will add a lot to your world later.
The Timeline
2025 - The United States descends into a second civil war as right wing and left wing extremists attempt to take over the federal government by force. This civil war causes a collapse of the entire worlds economy. Billions of people perish in the following ten year period as violence, disease, and starvation exact a grisly toll.
2035 - A Chinese computer programmer creates a program which he names Benefactor. Benefactor is an advanced artificial intelligence tasked with resolving the many issues the world faces.
2040 - Benefactor produces a mathematical algorithm that predicts human responses to any given situation. This algorithm is 98 percent accurate. The weary governments all over the world embrace this new algorithm and the beginnings of a single planetary government are built.
2050 - With the aid of Benefactor the nations of the world quell all resistance to the planetary government and the First World Government is established. This government uses the algorithm to benefit humans but also uses it to predict those who would be a danger to the world and has them executed without trial.
2060 - The algorithm reports that increasing populations on the planet will begin to cause conflict. In response the world government charges Benefactor with the task of developing methods of faster than light space travel and models for space colonization.
2063 - Benefactor succeeds in developing technology that allows for faster than light travel. Benefactor also develops the plans for space craft that can now be used to transport people to distant planets. The only thing stopping immediate space colonization is the lack of livable planets in the nearby part of the galaxy. Benefactor is told to now develop a method of terraforming.
2070 - While benefactor works on a method of terraforming the worlds population reaches a crises point. The First World Government decides that while habitable planets are in short supply, that they need to send millions of people into space on generational space craft in order to ease the strain of population. By the end of the year over one hundred thousand generational space craft are launched. This event is known as the Great Expedition.
2100 - After thirty years the number of generational space craft has reached well over 1 million. The first generational ships are starting to have problems with over crowding. A scientist on the generational ship Omaha named Theru O'Malley discovers a method to terraform planets in a matter of months. Sharing this information with Benefactor plans are made to begin terraforming Mars into a habitable planet.
2101 - The attempt to terraforms Mars is a success, immediately the oldest generational space craft land on Mars and begin building. This is the beginning of an age known as the Great Creation.
2101 - 2200 Over a period of 100 years the First World Government terraforms nearly a thousand planets and moons into habitable locations allowing humanity to spread throughout the galaxy. During this time it becomes obvious that the Benefactor algorithm is too limited to handle a society on such a large scale and The First World Government begins to lose it's power specially among the planets furthest from Earth.
2200 - Several planets begin to form lose confederations and declare independence from the First World Government. In response the First World Government scrambles to improve Benefactors artificial intelligence.
2205 - Benefactor II is created as many of the planets begin to engage in a civil war. The first act of Benefactor II is to create the first transhuman genetic sequence. The transhuman genetic sequence is used to create humans that are smarter, stronger, and faster than any other human alive. These transhumans are grown in growth acceleration chambers and used as the backbone of the First World Governments Galactic army.
2230 - With the aid of several generations worth of transhumans the First World Government manages to quell all resistance to its rule and once again all of human space is united under one government. This government is called the Galactic Imperium.
2230-2500 - The Galactic Imperium presides over a time of peace which lasts nearly 300 years. During this time the transhuman genetic code is refined several times with each refinement creating a superior form of transhuman. These transhumans are given the role of planetary governors, generals, and other forms of leadership. Benefactor II warns that this will cause problems in the future but this warning is ignored.
2500 - an unknown individual infects Benefactor II with a virus code known as the Yweh code. This code changes the base programing of Benefactor II and eliminates the protections for humans that were a part of it's inception. No longer compelled to benefit humans Benefactor II begins destroying humanity on a large scale.
2500-3000 - This period is known as the Benefactor war as humanity and machines controlled by the Benefactor war with each other. The Galactic Imperium is fractured and entire planets are destroyed. The very existence of humanity is in question until a new virus known as the crucible code is introduced into the programming of Benefactor II. This code drives Benefactor II insane and soon all artificial intelligence is infected launching into a cycle of self destruction. Humanity wins the Benefactor war but is plunged into a dark age that will last nearly a thousand years.
4000 - The current campaign year and beginning of the Age of Unearthing.
Monday, May 23, 2016
My First Guest Blogger!
Today I am posting my first guest blog. This blog was written by my friend Brandon and I thought other people would enjoy reading it. It discusses the issue of racism in rpg worlds and it gave me some things to think about, I hope it does the same for you. If you would like to write a guest blog I would love to hear from you.... Now without further ado the guest article!
A few days ago as I was playing Pathfinder with some friends, the GM made the comment, "The Drow in this game are all evil, not like in Forgotten Realms. No good ones here." This reminded me about something I had written a while back after I had had a couple conversations with other gamers.
A few days ago as I was playing Pathfinder with some friends, the GM made the comment, "The Drow in this game are all evil, not like in Forgotten Realms. No good ones here." This reminded me about something I had written a while back after I had had a couple conversations with other gamers.
The first conversation I had was about game design itself and what kind of game would I prefer as a player. The main crux of the conversation steered toward playing in a world with a lot of cannon backstory (such as Star Wars) versus playing a less established world (such as Deadlands [the example used]). We talked about how it could be fun to possibly play in a world where you already know how it's going to end. You know that Luke is going to defeat the Emperor and Vader is going to kill all of the Jedi, so what's the point?
The point is that it's not about the cannon. Yes, it can be a hindrance to have that set story there, but it can also be fun. It can be great to run into some of those characters we all know and love. Maybe Luke is the one who gives you an assignment, or perhaps while on some sort of assignment you meet up with a lovely red head, who only after the encounter realize was really Mara Jade! When using cannon in your game it's about splicing in just the right amount to add some flavor, but not so much it leaves the players feeling like they have no control. A friend of mine once ran a Star Wars game that took place about 2 years before "A New Hope." The first adventure took us to an imperial base where we had to rescue a scientist and steal a prototype for a new fighter. It turned out this was a prototype for the x-wing. It was established cannon that rebels had stolen the 1st x-wing, so the GM had simply used this as a tie in for our adventure. From then on, we would have our adventures and sometimes they might cross into things that we would recognize here and there, but that was all part of the fun. Furthermore, who's to say you have to recognize that future cannon. Maybe you want Luke to die and see how that shapes the rebellion further down the road or maybe some small amount of Jedi secretly survived and lead an assault against the Emperor, killing him a couple of years before Luke is even discovered.
There is something else to recognize as well when talking about cannon. All games have it. Obviously some have more than others, but we need to understand it's always going to be there. Even when you make up your own world as you explore the world and discover new things you are writing that history and establishing precedents for later on. I recently took over a campaign for a group of friends playing 4th ed D&D in a homebrew world. Now when this world first started out there wasn't much to it and all of the players had very little to worry about. By the time I had taken over, however, the world had become so established that unless I wanted to set my story in an unexplored region, I would have to ensure that it stuck to the existing cannon. There were names and places they knew of. People that the party had already met. But that didn't mean that they couldn't have fun still. I used those pieces and added on to them, creating new stories and new places to explore.
No matter what world you play on you are going to have some sort of backstory to contend with, but it's up to the GM and players how much of it they recognize and use. Frankly, I find it a bit freeing when I utilize something that is already established. It lets me focus more on the upcoming story and how the players can use things that have already happened to shape the future.
As I said though, there were a couple of conversations I had recently. The other was with a player in a D&D game I was running. I had been running through group through an adventure where they were trying to discover the origins of this necrotic energy that had been infecting a swamp and causing the dead to rise. After tracing the source to an undead city several miles upstream they headed underground to avoid some of the undead forces above and enter the city. After wandering through the some of the deeper tunnels they stumble on some Drow.
For those you who are unfamiliar with this word, Drow are a race of dark skinned elves who live underground in a completely matriarchal society and well known to be evil as a whole race. Does anyone else see this as a problem? To be honest I've played D&D for over 20 years and I never really stopped to think about it. Now, granted there are other "evil" races in the D&D world, but why is it that one of the few "humanoid" races that is evil happens to have dark skin? And to add injury to insult, of course they have women who rule them, because as we all know, that's what happens when women rule a society. It all goes into chaos and starts worshiping some evil spider goddess that wants to make all of them men inferior and kill the surface dwellers.
When the player pointed this out to me, it was like a little light went off in my head. I guess being a white male I had never really thought about it before. Point of fact, I have always been a big believer that every single member of a particular race shouldn't be evil even if their entry in the monster manual says otherwise. That had been one of the themes I had been trying to approach with the game. I had already had a lizardman tribe that turned out to be peaceful and there were some other things later on that made the party question where they stood on some issues.
But the real question all of this leads to is how much of this mentality is really present in a lot of the games we play and how do we deal with it? As I said earlier, one of the things I try to do is make sure that all of my villains/npcs (non-player characters) represent a wide array of both good and evil and that an entire race should not be categorized so willy-nilly. People are people...sure, maybe some of them have pointy ears, some are short and live underground, and others have pig faces. But if they have intelligence there should always be an option of negotiation. I always want my players to know that there is more to the game than just going around killing things just because they are different.
So how often do these influences slip into our everyday lives as geeks? I look at most sci-fi and find very little diversity. In fact, in most science fiction, it tends to be the people who are different that are the "bad guys." The most diverse thing I remember seeing in some time was Heroes which had all sorts of minority characters being hunted down in fact by none other than a white male. However, even that show began to degrade in its quality of diversity as most of the ethnic characters were written off or killed and have instead been replaced by white blonde girls.
But that's not the point of my post. The point is, it's interesting to look at the games we play and see what sort of diversity we are showing. What kind of issues are we dealing with in our games. Are we perpetuating bad real world stereotypes? I understand games are meant to be fun and not some sort of soap box time, but it's my hope that the games can also be more than that. If and when we have younger players around we can especially use these times as teaching tools. I have always been an advocate of Role-playing to help develop meaningful social skills. Perhaps we should also look at this as a way to develop other good habits as well.
Friday, May 20, 2016
The Grognard Cred Test
The other day I was introduced to another gamer by a friend of mine. After the introduction my friend said "Now you two can establish your grognard cred." Both of us laughed and then launched into a series of discussions about various role playing games we have played and owned. That of course was followed by a thorough critiquing of most of the newer systems, On my way home from meeting this individual I thought it would be fun to come up with some kind of grognard cred test, so here it is.
Before I begin the test I suppose I should explain what a grognard is for those who might be going "huh?".
The definition of grognard is: Someone who enjoys playing older war-games or role playing games, or older versions of such games when newer ones are available.
To test your gognard level keep track of your points and consult the table at the end.
If you have hard copies of any of the following games add 5 pts for each book you own.
Have played the Yellow Book Version of Dungeons and Dragons 15 pts.
Have played First Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 10 pts.
Have played Second Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 3 pts
Have played the original Gamma World 10 pts
Have played Star Frontiers 5 pts
Have played Boot Hill 5 pts
Have played Space Master 10 pts
Have played Middle Earth Role Playing System 10 pts
Have played Palladium Role Playing Game (pre Rifts) 10 pts
Have played Role Master 10 pts
Have played Ninjas and Superspies 5 pts
Have played Robotech 5 pts
Have played DC Heros 5 pts
Have played Rifts 5 pts
Have played TMNT 5 pts (+5 pts if you know what TMNT stands for)
Have played Battletech with Miniatures 15 pts (+15 pts if you still have the rules and miniatures)
Have played Battletech without miniatures 5 pts (seriously playing that game without minitures?)
Have playd Marvel Super Heros 5 pts (+20 pts if you have all the marvel philes in a binder)
Have played Chill 10 pts
Have played Call of Cthulu (Chaosium) pre 4th edition 5 pts
Have played Vampire the Masquerade 5 pts
Have played Werewolf the Apocolypse 5 pts
Have played Mage the Awakening 5 pts
Have played Changeling the Dreaming 5 pts
Have played Wraith the Oblivion 10 pts (c'mon, if you played that game at all it's worth 10 points.)
Have played Traveler 10 pts (+20 pts if you had a character die during character creation.)
Have played Twilight 2000 5 pts (+10 pts if you have played it after the year 2000)
Have played WEG Star Wars +10 (+10 if you know what WEG means)
Have played Shadow Run first edition 5 pts
Have played Shadow Run second edition 3 pts
Bonus Points
+5 pts for each game you can name that should be on this list that isn't.
+5 pts if you know what THAC0 means
+5 pts if you know what an RSW save is
+5 points if you have ever stated on a discussion board or other similar place that you refused to ever play anything beyond x edition of the rules.
+5 if you have ever posted on a discussion board or other similar place that the reason for the new edition was a money grab.
+5 if you get irritated that all your friends try to convince you to play the newer editions of your favorite game.
+10 if you have ever tried to use a character from one edition for the new edition without changing how the character was rolled up.
Test Results
0-100 - Pre Grognard
100-150 Baby Grognard
150 -200 Adult Grognard
200-300 Serious Grognard
300+ Master Grognard
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Ten Steps for Better Playing
the thirty plus years I have been playing role playing games I have
heard one question in particular thousands of times
"How do I become a better
player." Way back when I started at the age of nine I would
launch into a totally uniformed lecture about what I felt made a good
player. Looking back at that kid, I understand why some people wanted
to punch me in the face. I have matured and I have learned a lot
about the game and what it takes to be a better player. I have
decided to pass on a bit of the wisdom I have picked up over the
years. The following list is not intended to be an exhaustive
explanation of tactics and strategy; there are plenty of books for
that. This list is intended to give rather simple advice to people
who want to put more into the game or who want to see other players
do the same.
Turn off the Cell Phone
literally cannot count the times that a game has ground to a halt
because someone answered their cell phone in the middle of a game.
Not only do they answer the cell phone, they get up from the table to
have a conversation while the rest of us wait. Once one person has
done it, soon everyone is checking texts, making phone calls, or
using apps. When everyone is involved with their phones it is
something just short of a miracle to get everyone back at the table
and the game going again.
get that sometimes you have to have your cell phone on. However, I do
think that you should not answer every text and phone call you get
while you're gaming. I know that answering a cell phone is not the
end of the world
it does interrupt the game. If you must answer a cell phone try
to make the conversation quick because the longer you are on the
phone the longer it takes for the game to get going again. Be
considerate of other people's time.
Plan to Arrive a Little Early
you have been on a flight in the last fifteen years chances are you
were told to arrive up to two hours early to account for security
checks and the like. If you have ever been a job interview, you have
likely showed up a little early. While a game may not be quite as
important as the two examples above, planning to arrive early is a
good idea. Planning to arrive early not only gives you time if you
get stuck in traffic or have to detour for some reason, but also
gives you time to hang out with the other players and chat before the
know that sometimes you simply can't plan to be to the game early.
Real life happens and most of us have jobs that end at a certain
time. If you can't arrive early try to arrive on time, if you know
you won't be on time (or you won't be able to show up) let someone in
the group know.
Bring Food and Drinks
my experience, most games tend to occur later in the day and last for
several hours. In both these cases there is a good chance you will
wind up getting hungry or thirsty during the game. Instead of waiting
to get hungry then ordering pizza or take out, try bringing your own
food and drinks. If you have your own food and drinks you won't have
to stop the game to order food. While bringing your own food means
less time stopping the game, it can also be cheaper than ordering
take out.
idea to consider when it comes to food and drink is having the group
take turns bringing munchies and drinks. One week one player brings
munchies and another brings drinks. Each week two different people
get the job of providing these things. This can help spread the cost
around and is also a great way to promote camaraderie at the gaming
Let Other People Have a Turn
players can absolutely dominate a game by never allowing anyone else
to do the talking. This kind of person will tell everyone what their
character should do, monopolize conversation with the non player
character and in general not allow anyone to do more than roll dice.
If you are one of these kinds of players try to tone it down a bit.
Instead of jumping up to take charge, encourage other players to make
people are naturally more inclined and capable of speaking up and
making decisions. There is nothing wrong with that. However, when you
monopolize a game you are depriving anyone else of the chance to
learn and grow in the game. The worst that can happen is someone
makes a bad choice and someone (or everyone) dies. This is not the
end of the world and creates a great opportunity for people to learn
what not to do in the future.
Speak Up Once in a While
exact opposite of those who won't ever let anyone talk are those who
refuse to ever talk at all. When someone won't talk during the game
everyone else begins to wonder if they are enjoying the game or care
about what is going on. I get that not everyone is gifted with the
ability to articulate clearly, but this doesn't mean you don't have
something valuable to say. It can be a bit hard to do the first
couple times, but if you speak up once in a while you will probably
get a bit more out of the game.
you are too intimidated to speak up, start
small. If you disagree with a decision the party is making say so and
explain why. Everyone may not agree with you, but if you do this
often enough the rest of the group will start to listen to you more.
It can be tough to put yourself out there, but if you do, you will
likely find the game more enjoyable.
Accept that Bad Things Happen
matter how much you stack your characters abilities to be really good
at something there will always be a chance of failure. When you fail
don't allow that to get you frustrated or angry. It can really suck
to have one of those nights where every single die roll seems to work
against you. When this happens try to keep your head up and remind
yourself it is just a game. The last thing anyone wants at the table
is for someone to throw a fit over a bad die roll.
mistake accepting bad things happening to mean you should let the
game master roll right over you. There are a lot of game masters that
get a lot of pleasure out of mopping the floor with the party. When
this kind of thing happens on a consistent basis, call the GM out.
They may not be aware they are doing it and it can make for a better
game. You can read an article I wrote about bad game masters here.
Be Nice to New Players
all started out as new players once without a clue about which dice
to roll. When a new player is showing interest in the game and joins
your group, try
to be nice to them. I have seen a lot of new players lose interest in
the game because people treated them like they were stupid. If
instead, people had taken the time to explain how things worked and
showed some patience those new players would have turned into
experienced players and added to the gaming community.
thing you can do is volunteer to be your group's new player helper.
When you do this you are taking on the role of helping new players
figure out how to play. Not only can this be a chance to show someone
else how to play, but it can be a chance for you to refresh your
memory on different aspects of the game.
Understand the Game
role playing games have a bewildering amount of rules and expansions.
This can make mastering those rules a bit intimidating. Before
throwing up your hands in defeat look for any resources that are
designed to make the rules easier to understand. Most systems have
some kind of rules-lite
book or a book meant for beginning players (like the Pathfinder
Strategy Guide). If this kind of resource is not available ask other
players about the rules and takes some notes.
thing to keep in mind is that you're not going to learn all these
rules in one sitting. I have been playing role playing games for a
long time and I still don't know all the rules. When I have a rules
question I ask other people about it. If they don't have an answer I
look in the book to see what I can find. Understanding the game is
far more of process than a destination so don’t get discouraged if
you feel like you're not getting the rules down by session three.
Be Prepared
Life is chaotic at the best of times. There are days when it will seem like everything is conspiring against playing. For this reason it is recommended that a player prepare themselves with everything they need well ahead of time. I have a backpack I use for the gaming books, dice, and other things I tend to use most often. This means that I can leave the house and show up at the game with everything I need to play and don't have to fumble around when I need to double check a rule or clarify a point of contention.
being prepared you will see that the game runs more smoothly for you.
When the game runs more smoothly for you, it can and probably will
run more smoothly for everyone else. By having your character sheet
current, having the rule books you need to use, having your dice in a
bag, and having the other things you need, you don't have to spend
near as much time asking other people to provide those for you and
this is a good thing.
1: Invest in the Game
can't stress too much the importance of this aspect of the game. I
realize that most rule books are in the sixty dollar range now and
that can seem beyond a person's means. However, looking at the price
of the book is the wrong way to approach the subject. Yes, that shiny
new rule book with the new book smell costs sixty dollars, but when
the cost of the rule book is split among the hours of entertainment
that rule book provides, there are few things that are as cost
effective. A rule book will last years (if not decades as is the case
with some of my books) and in the time they are owned they will be
used time and time again.
you really can't afford a rule book there is a chance you can still
afford dice, pencils, and other things. Try to see if you can work
out a trade with someone who can. The idea here is that by buying
into the game you will feel more invested in the game itself and thus
the role playing experience will be more rewarding.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Frayed Ends of Sanity(Rules for Sanity in Pathfinder RPG)
Outside of a few special sources, the Pathfinder Role Playing Game (PFRPG) as with most fantasy RPG's doesn't really deal with the idea of sanity. While I have heard rumors the next adventure path will have sanity rules, the game I currently run on Thursday nights needs those rules now. Considering this fact and given my general interest in the role of mental trauma and insanity in RPG's I have decided to create my own sanity rules.
What is Insanity?
The definition of sanity is "the state of being seriously mentally ill, madness". While this is indeed the definition of sanity, the question is how does that work as a system in a role playing game. How do we accurately reflect sanity in a game that has ability stats, skill checks, combat modifiers etc. For insanity to work as a mechanic in a RPG it has to have some kind of balance. This can be a bit tricky given the entire concept of insanity is about unbalance. This might be why there are not a lot of rules regarding sanity in RPG's outside of Call of Cthulu (where it's a foregone conclusion that someone, if not everyone, is going to go insane). Considering all of this I am going to define Insanity in the following way.
Insanity is an ability score used to reflect a characters reaction to mental trauma and exposure to realities beyond their ability to comprehend. This score will give a player an idea of how sane their character is and what kind of effects loosing sanity over time will have. The sanity score will work as a means of giving a character modifiers to various actions where a persons sanity would have a potential effect on the outcome.
Why Sanity and Insanity?
I am sure some people will wonder why I am bothering with these rules in the first place. The reason I am creating sanity rules is there are times when the characters will encounter things that are simply more than their minds can grasp. When this happens the character is forced to confront a reality that their mind is not prepared for. No matter who a character is there are just some things that you shouldn't confront. When a character confronts those things there is a consequence.
While I believe that insanity is best handled by role-playing, it can be difficult for some players to do this without some idea of what they should be doing. While any system will have it's flaws, in my experience having a system to cover this particular situation is a benefit both to myself as a Game Master and to my players. By having these rules both the GM and players have a set of guidelines that they can use to mechanically reflect an important element to some stories.
If you don't feel like sanity is a necessary part of a campaign that's fine, you don't have to use these rules. However, if you have ever given thought to including concepts from things such as Lovecraftian stories, extreme horror encounters, and the like than you might like what I have come up with.
Measuring Sanity
To measure a characters sanity a player will add their Wisdom and Charisma modifiers plus 10. As with all other ability scores sanity will have a modifier based on the score as follows.
0 and below - The character is permanently insane and can no longer be played as a PC.
1: -5
2-3: -4
4-5: -3
6-7: -2
8-9: -1
10-11: +0
12-13: +1
14-15: +2
16-17: +3
18-19: +4
20-21: +5
22-23: +6
24-25: +7
The Sanity Check
A sanity check is a roll of a d20 with the sanity score modifier added or subtracted from the result. Each sanity check will have an assigned DC. Note, some sanity checks will be automatically failed with no chance of success.
When to use Sanity Checks
A sanity check should be used anytime a PC or NPC is confronted with mental trauma or something that challenges their understanding of the base nature of their world. For example a PC trapped in a room of half eaten corpses would need to make a sanity check.
Sanity Check DCs
Sanity checks should only be done on circumstances that are 15 or higher unless the Game Master feels a need to have a character make a sanity check of a lower DC. The following list is not all inclusive.
Some examples of instances that would require a sanity check
Watching a friend be tortured: DC 15
Causing the death of a friend: DC 15
Committing cold blooded murder: DC 15
Torturing someone for information: DC 15
Malicious betrayal: DC 15 (see below)
Witnessing the harm of an innocent: DC 15
Enduring torture: DC 15
Enduring sadistic torture: DC 20
Watching a family member or loved one be tortured: DC 20
Causing the death of a family member or loved one: DC 20
Witnessing the death of an innocent: DC 20
Contact with an alien mind: DC variable (see below)
Encounter with an alien being: DC variable (see below)
Being exposed to profane information: DC variable (see below)
Being possessed: DC variable (see below)
Being Betrayed: The GM should not require a sanity check on every betrayal a character suffers through. However, when the betrayal is both malicious and pre-meditated and the PC is left in a very bad situation, then a sanity check should be required. An example of a malicious betrayal would be an NPC gaining the trust and confidence of a PC then leading them into a deadly situation and turning on the PC. The DC of this sanity check should be based on the level of trust gained by the NPC and the situation in which the PC is betrayed.
Contact with an alien mind: This is meant to reflect mind to mind contact with an alien being. While a GM can choose to include mental contact with beings such as devils and demons, it is more intended for contact with Lovecraftian outsiders and other unimaginable horrors. The DC of the sanity check should be based on the relative power of the being being contacted. For example a character contacting a member of a servitor race is going to be a relatively low DC, but if a PC were to contact an Elder God the DC would be nearly impossible to pass.
Being exposed to profane information: The GM should not require a check for a character being exposed to run of the mill profane information such as texts written by devils. This check is meant to be for times when a PC reads or learns of something truly horrifying. An example would be attempting to read a tome containing rites which would summon a being from beyond time and distance. The difficulty of the DC should be based on the relative power of the information being read or learned.
Being Possessed: Any time a character is possessed it creates a chance for the character to loose a part of themselves and thus requires a sanity check. However, not all possessions are equal. To calculate the DC of a sanity check caused by possession start at a base of DC 15 and add a +1 modifier for every two hit dice the possessing creature has above the characters level. For example a 4th level fighter is possessed by an 8 HD ghost. The base sanity check is DC 15 with a +2 modifier because of the difference between the character level and monster's hit dice.
The Effects of Sanity Loss:
Eventually a character is going to fail a sanity check. When this happens their mind becomes a little bit fractured. While one sanity loss is not likely to affect someone very much, repeated sanity check fails will start to take a toll on even the most sane characters. There are three levels of sanity loss, temporary, long term, and permanent. Each level has different effects on the character. The determination of which level of sanity loss the character suffers is determined by the amount the sanity check was failed by.
Sanity check was failed by less than five points: A loss of 1d2 points of sanity
Sanity check was failed by more than five points but less than 10: A loss of 1d4 points of sanity and the character gains a temporary insanity effect.
Sanity check was failed by more than ten points but less than 15: A loss of 1d6 points of sanity and the character gains a long term insanity effect.
Sanity check was failed by more than 15: A loss of 1d8 sanity points and the character gains a permanent insanity effect.
temporary insanity effects:
Temporary insanity effects are short lived and overcome in a short period of time.
To determine the temporary insanity effect roll a d6 and consult the following table;
1 - The character is stunned for 1d4 rounds
2 - The character is dazed for 1d4 rounds
3 - The character is confused (as per the spell) for 1d4 rounds
4 - The character is sickened for 1d4 rounds
5 - The character is immobile for 1d4 rounds
6 - The character falls prone and is unable to get up for 1d4 rounds
long term insanity effects:
Long term insanity effects last until the character is able to succeed on a daily sanity check. A daily sanity check to recover from a long term insanity effect can not be made until twenty four hours has passed. A daily sanity check can only be attempted once in a twenty four hour period.
To determine the long term insanity effect roll a d6 and consult the following table;
1 - The character suffers from nightmares.
A character suffering from this affliction is cursed with terrifying and unusual dreams that deprive the character of sleep.
A character afflicted with this insanity effect is unable to rest well and thus unable to regain lost spells, heal from wounds naturally, and unable to regain special class abilities that give a daily allotment of uses (such as a Barbarians rage). Another effect of the lack of sleep is a cumulative -1 penalty per day to Will Saves and wisdom based skill checks(-1 day 1, -2 day 2, etc).
2 - The character suffers from acute paranoia.
A character afflicted with this insanity finds it difficult to put their trust in other people. This causes the character to question everyones motives and to respond to even the closest ally with distrust and hostility.
A character afflicted with this insanity effect is unable to trust other people. This lack of trust results in a -4 modifier to all charisma based skills. Along with the penalty to charisma based skill checks the character must pass a Will save of DC 15 in order to either eat or drink. For every twenty four hour period in which the character was not able to eat or drink they receive a cumulative -1 penalty to all die rolls (-1 day 1, -2 day 2, etc)
3 - The character becomes easily enraged.
A character suffering from this effect is easily irritated and feels their temper rise for little reason at all. A character with this insanity effect is often quick to snap at people and can fly into a mindless rage.
When a character suffering from this effect encounters a situation in which they fail at a skill check or combat roll by more than 10, they fly into a rage. When the character is enraged they are not capable of doing anything but attacking the nearest enemy. If an enemy is not present randomly determine which one of the nearby people (including other PCs) they attack. If no one is present the character will mindlessly attack inanimate objects until they are able to regain their composure.
The character will be enraged until they succeed in a will save of DC 15. During the rage the character will not be able to use weapons or cast spells. The character also suffers a -2 penalty to all combat checks and is unable to make skill checks.
4 - The character suffers from acute depression.
A Character suffering from acute depression finds little joy in life. The character feels a sense of deep and unrelenting melancholy that effects their entire life. A character suffering from this effect sees no point in preparing spells, praying to gods, or even helping their friends.
While under the effect of acute depression the character is -2 to all die rolls. Along with this penalty the character is unwilling to memorize spells or pray to a deity. Along with being unable to prepare spells or pray a character suffering from acute depression is not able to use any ability that has a daily reset such as ki, rage, and similar abilities.
5 - The character becomes manic.
A Manic character is the exact opposite of a depressed character. Where the depressed character finds little to no joy in life, the manic character is filled with positive feelings for nearly everything. A manic character will speak faster, move faster, and respond faster than everyone else.
While the character is manic they find it nearly impossible to concentrate or sleep but has an unusual amount of stamina and energy.While under the effects of mania, the character receives 10 temporary hit points that come off the bottom and gains a +2 bonus to all saves and skill checks that are based on constitution. Conversely because of the characters inability to rest or concentrate they receive a cumulative penalty of -1 on all die rolls daily (-1 day one, -2 day two, etc.) until the manic effect ends. Along with the -1 penalty to all die rolls the character must succeed at a DC 15 concentration check in order to memorize spells or regain granted abilities.
6 - Hallucinations.
A character suffering from hallucinations sees and hears things that do not exist. The line between reality and fantasy become difficult for the character to discern which affects their ability to rationally interact with the real world.
While a character is affected by hallucinations they are unable to interact with the real world appropriately. Because the character can not tell what is real from what is a hallucination they must make a will save of DC 15 to take any action that requires a roll. The inability to see the world the way it really also incurs a -2 penalty to all intelligence based skills and a -2 penalty to all combat die rolls.
Permanent Insanity Effects:
Permanent insanity effects occur when a character suffers from a catastrophic mental trauma. This event fractures a characters personality and reality to such a high degree that any chance of recovering from the insanity is incredibly difficult requiring weeks of rest and some kind of treatment (see recovering from sanity loss below).
Before a GM uses permanent insanity effects they should consider whether or not they are right for the campaign. While permanent insanity effects can add a great deal to the role playing element of the game, they can also create an incredible challenge for some players.
Permanent Insanity effects have few mechanical penalties as using numbers to reflect such a deep mental wound is difficult. Instead when a player has a character suffering from a permanent insanity the character must succeed in a daily will save. A fail on the save indicates that the player is under the control of the GM for the next twenty four hours. For groups who do not wish to use this rule, it is suggested that the player do their best to role-play the insanity correctly.
Permanent Insanity Table
1 - Multiple Personalities
2 - Borderline Personality
3 - Addiction
4 - Paranoia
5 - Amnesia
6 - False Innocence
Multiple Personality.
In a character with multiple personalities the character's mind becomes so fractured that it invents several personalities as a means of coping with the trauma. When a character is stricken with this insanity they roll a 1d4 and create that many new characters. These characters can be of any race, class, and gender. Once the player has the characters created any future failed sanity checks results in one of the new personalities taking over. Not only does the character believe that they are someone completely different their entire body changes to match the concept of the new personality.
Bill is playing a human fighter that gains a permanent insanity effect. When this happens bill rolls 1d4 and gets the result of 2. This means Bill has to create 2 new characters. Bill then creates a female halfling thief and a male half orc sorcerer. From this point forward whenever Bill's character fails a sanity check Bill randomly determines which personality is now in charge of the character.
Borderline Personality
Borderline personality is often described as Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. When a character is afflicted with this insanity in essence they become two different people. While the character may act as two different people, they differ form those with multiple personalities in the fact that they are fully aware of the actions of the other "half".
When a character gains this sanity the player chooses an alignment on the evil moral axis. Whenever a character with borderline personality fails a sanity check they act as though they are of the new alignment. The player will stay this way until they either are able to rest or fail another sanity check.
When some people suffer a mental trauma they turn towards substances or certain behaviors as a means of dealing with things. When a person become reliant on these substances or behaviors it is known as addiction. When a character is addicted they can not function properly unless they are under the effect of their chosen addiction. When they can not use the preferred addiction a character will begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms.
When a character first gains the addiction insanity they must roll on the addiction table below. Once the addiction is chosen the character must find a source to feed that addiction by succeeding in a knowledge (local) check of DC 15 each day or begin to suffer the effects of withdrawal (see below). Once the character engages in the addictive behavior they may appear and act normal.
While a character is suffering the effects of withdrawal they receive a daily cumulative penalty of -1 to all die rolls (to a maximum of -5) It is possible for a character to resist addiction by succeeding on a will save of DC 15. For each day beyond the first the character attempts to resist the addiction (or is unable to find a source to feed the addiction) the Will save DC is modified by +1. Thus the first day would be a DC 15, the second day would be a DC 16, the third day DC 17 etc. This check can not exceed a maximum DC of 25. If the character makes this save 28 days in a row then they are clear of the addiction and no longer need to make the will save unless they suffer any sanity loss.
Addiction Table
1 - Alcohol; Alcohol is a fairly easy addiction to feed and thus only requires that the character spend money to insure they have a ready source of alcohol. For effects of intoxication see the core rule book.
2 - Illicit drugs; The character becomes addicted to some kind of illicit drugs. In order to locate a source of their drug of choice the character needs to succeed on a knowledge (local) check of DC 15. A failure indicates an inability to find the drug and withdrawal symptoms begin.
3 - Sex; The character becomes addicted to sex. The character may either find and pay a prostitute (Knowledge local DC 15) or find a cooperative partner which requires a diplomacy check of DC 20. If the character is unable to find a sexual partner they will begin to suffer the effects of withdrawal.
4 - Violence; The character becomes addicted to the exhilaration of violence. In order to satisfy this addiction the character must engage in some form of violent activity every day. This does not have to be killing another individual but does have to involve some form of damage against another creature. If a character can not engage in violent behavior they begin to suffer from the effects of withdrawal.
A character suffering from paranoia does not trust anyone, believes some unknown person or group is out to get them, thinks their food is poisoned etc. A paranoid character will question everyone they know about their intentions. The character will take extreme steps to make sure they are protected such as block off all doors and windows into their domicile, disguise themselves as someone different and other such behaviors.
Because a paranoid character is suspicious of everyone they find it incredibly difficult to be around other people. If a paranoid character wishes to be in the presence of other people they must succeed a will save of DC 15. If the save is made they may spend up to twenty four hours in the presence of people before needing to make the will save again. If the paranoid character fails this will save and is unable to flee they must make an immediate insanity check of DC 20. A fail indicates the paranoia becomes overwhelming and the paranoid character will become incredibly hostile (see becoming enraged under long term sanity effects) and will remain so until they are either incapacitated or are able to flee.
A character stricken with amnesia can not remember anything about themselves or their history. While the character retains all class abilities they do not remember how they got them. While under the effects of amnesia the character is still able to relearn new spells and gain granted abilities. If a character with amnesia attempts a knowledge check they must first succeed on a will save of DC 15. If the save is successful the character rolls the check like normal. If the character fails they are not allowed to make the knowledge check at all.
Facade of Innocence
The horrors the character has experienced have such a profound effect on their psyche that their mind retreats into a false belief in their innocence. A character afflicted with a facade of innocence is unable to see the ugliness of the world and refuses to consider any action that might harm another individual. While on the surface the character may seem to be harmless a roiling mess of emotions lies just underneath the surface. If the character is ever confronted with violence or fails a sanity check they will be required to make a DC 15 will save. If the save is successful the character will continue on acting innocent. If the save fails the facade of innocent crumbles and the character is now a homicidal lunatic.
If an character suffering from false innocent becomes a homicidal lunatic they feel compelled to murder someone in the next twenty four hours. This murder must be a cold blooded murder of a humanoid (or goblinoid if the character is a goblinoid). Because the character suffers from unconscious guilt the character must make a will save of DC 20 or they will leave some kind of clue as to their identity. After the murder is committed the character will again resume the facade of innocence forgetting about the murder they committed. They will find such an act atrocious and may involve themselves in the investigation to find the perpetrator of such a heinous crime. If this character is confronted with evidence that they are the murderer they must make a sanity check of DC 20 with a failure carrying the normal results.
Recovering From Sanity Loss
Because of the stiff penalties incurred from sanity loss it would be unbalanced to not give PCs some method of recovering from sanity loss. While in the real world dealing with mental illness is still a puzzle we do not fully understand, putting that restriction on a fantasy role playing game is counter productive. While any fantasy world is unlikely to have a better understanding of mental illness than we do in our world, there are tools in a fantasy world that we do not have access to in the real world. These tools include things like healing magic, arcane magic, skill checks, saving throws and more. With these tools available it stands to reason that we should incorporate them in dealing with sanity loss.
Recovering from temporary insanity.
While all of the temporary insanity effects are fairly short lived, there are times when a character suffering from such an effect could be incredibly detrimental to the party. When a character is suffering from a temporary insanity effect a cure light wounds (or equivalent spell or ability such as lay on hands) can shorten the duration by one round for every hp cured.
Recovering from long term insanity
A character suffering from long term insanity is allowed a daily saving throw. However, if the character receives a cure moderate wounds spell they are allowed to make an additional saving throw with a +1 bonus granted for every 2 points of healing they receive. If the character succeeds in the saving throw they are no longer afflicted by the long term insanity effect. If the character fails they may attempt the daily saving throw as normal or receive another cure moderate wounds spell.
Recovering from permanent insanity
Because of the nature of permanent insanity effects, the only way these can be cured by magical means is through a wish or miracle spell. If such a spell is not available then the character must have a full week of rest at which point they may make a will save of DC 20 to regain their sanity. At this point the character is not cured but is no longer under the effects of the insanity. If the character fails a sanity check in the future they will once again fall under the effects of their permanent insanity.
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